How to Experiment and Find Your Signature Look

Jewelry is a fantastic way to express your personal style and add a touch of elegance to your outfits. However, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to experimenting with different styles and finding your signature look.

“The key to developing personal style is to embrace your individuality and find what makes you feel confident and comfortable." - Stacy London

"Fashion fades, only style remains the same." - Coco Chanel

In this blog post, we'll provide some helpful tips on how to explore and discover your personal style with jewelry.

Find Inspiration

Before you begin experimenting with different types of jewelry, it's essential to find some inspiration. You can start by scrolling through social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, which are great sources of fashion inspiration. You can also check out fashion blogs or magazines to get a sense of the latest trends and how they can fit into your personal style.


Jewelry is a form of self-expression, and it's crucial to choose pieces that reflect your personality and style choices. It's important to consider your personal preferences when selecting jewelry, including the type of metal, gemstones, etc.

 For example, if you have a classic and elegant style, you might prefer simple pieces of jewelry, such as stud earrings or a delicate necklace. If you have a bold and adventurous style, you might prefer statement jewelry with bright colors and unique designs. Explore Beauty Uncovered

Review Your Wardrobe

A review of your wardrobe can help you determine what style you love and what kind of jewelry would complement your existing clothing choices. Consider the colours and styles of the clothes you wear most often and think about how you can incorporate jewelry to enhance those pieces.

Learn How to Combine colours and Pair jewelry 

Combining colours can be tricky, but it's essential when it comes to pairing jewelry with your outfits. The key is to look for complementary colours that work well together. For example, you can pair warm colours such as gold and copper with warmer tones like brown or beige. Conversely, cool colours like silver or platinum work well with cooler colours like blue or green.

Consider Fashion Trends

While it's essential to find a style that works for you, keeping up with fashion trends can also be a great way to experiment with jewelry. Look for trends that fit your personal style and incorporate those into your wardrobe. For example, layering necklaces is a popular trend that can add depth and interest to your outfits.

Experimenting with different types of jewelry can be a fun way to express your personal style and find your signature look. Always remember that your personal style sets you apart from every other person, you are free to create a unique and stylish look that's all your own.

As always, we hope you’ve enjoyed this article from us and that you are challenged to be more open in experimenting and finding your signature looks.

We would love to see your photos of you wearing your favourite earring pieces from our boutique. Remember to tag us with @beautyuncoveredboutique on socials.

That’s all for now.

You are worthy to look and feel beautiful.

Team Beauty Uncovered.

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